아이폰에서 꼭 perl을 돌릴 필요가 생겼고..
(사실 python이나 ruby도 상관없지만.. 일단 그래도 perl이 좀 편할 것 같아서)

perl을 설치하기 위해 몇일동안 웹서핑한 결과.. 드디어 찾아냈습니다..

iPhone perl Framework 라는 곳에서 긁어왔습니다.

How to install Perl on the Iphone:

- install aptitude via Cydia
- copy this file to your Ipod/Iphone filesystem: http://coredev.nl/cydia/coredev.pub

- execute "apt-key add coredev.pub" at the same directory
- execute "echo 'deb http://coredev.nl/cydia iphone main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/coredev.nl.list" to add the new source
- do a "apt-get update" for getting the new filelist
- easily execute "apt-get install perl"

Thanks Br4in!

Source: http://marcoramilli.blogspot.com/2008/01/iphone-perl-framework.html


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