카테고리 없음
2013년 해외 보안 컨퍼런스 일정
2013. 1. 17. 14:04
년초라서 그런지.. 해외 출장 계획을 새우시는 분들이 많으신 것 같아서..
조사를 좀 해봤습니다.
이름 | 날짜 | 장소 | 사이트 |
Shmoocon | February 15-17 | Washington, DC | http://www.shmoocon.org |
RSA Conference | February 25-March 1 | San Francisco | http://www.rsaconference.com/events/2013/usa/index.htm |
CanSecWest | March 6-8 2013 | Vancouver | http://cansecwest.com/ |
Black Hat | Europe | March 12-15 | Amsterdam, Netherlands | http://www.blackhat.com |
Black Hat | USA | July 27-Aug 1 | Las Vegas, Nevada | http://www.blackhat.com |
SOURCE Boston | Tuesday, April 16-18 | Boston, Massachusetts | http://www.sourceconference.com/boston/ |
22nd USENIX Security Symposium | August 14–16 | Washington, DC | https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity13/call-for-papers |
Hackinthebox | April 8 - 11 2013 | Okura Hotel, Amsterdam | https://conference.hitb.org/ |
IEEE Security & Privacy | May 19-22 | SAN FRANCISCO, CA | http://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2013/index.html |
Web 2.0 Security & Privacy 2013 | 24-May | San Francisco | http://w2spconf.com/2013/ |
REcon | June 21-23, 2013 | Montreal, Canada | http://recon.cx/2013/ |
SOUPS (Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security) | July 24-26 | Newcastle, UK | http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups |
7th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies - WOOT '12 | 13-Aug | Washington, DC | https://www.usenix.org/conference/woot13/ |
OWASP AppSec USA | Nov 18-21 | New York | http://www.appsecusa.org/ |
20th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | Nov 4-8 | Berlin, Germany | http://sigsac.org/ccs/CCS2013/ |
Deepsec | November | https://deepsec.net/ | |
Hack: Luxembourg | http://hack.lu | ||
Toorcon | June | seattle | http://toorcon.org/ |
T2 | October 24 – 25 | Helsinki, Finland | http://t2.fi/conference/ |
Ruxcon | http://www.ruxcon.org.au/ | ||
PacSec 2013 | http://pacsec.jp/ | ||
INFILTRATE | April 11- 12, 2013 | Miami | http://immunityinc.com/infiltrate/ |